reference book

mammadaba ABC for a safe and green recreation in the forest “Laižam mežā!” (Let’s get into forest!): ISBN 9789984996905

Laižam mežā



photo selection

image processing

print management

mammadaba ABC internal pages “How do we protect special natural objects?”
mammadaba ABC internal pages “How do we get along with forest dwellers?”


offset printing

cover • 48 pages
spiral binding
close-up of the FM 20 μ screen
macro close-up fragment of UV varnish
covers 203 × 204 mm
Arctic Volume White 300 g/m²
printed 4+0 CMYK
glued French fold 
pages 200 × 200 mm
Arctic Volume White 200 g/m²
printed 4+4 CMYK 
mammadaba ABC internal page “How do we put out a forest fire?”
mammadaba ABC internal page “Where do we put waste?”
customer JSC "Latvijas valsts meži"
nomination in the book design competition “Zelta ābele 2008”