
JSC “Latvijas valsts meži” wild animal wall calendar year 2021




photo selection

image processing

print management

checking CMYK + PMS 10077 printed pages
wild boar (Sus scrofa) on the calendar page


offset printing

2 covers • 13 pages
spiral binding
close up of CMYK + Pantone 10077 print
close up of UV silkscreen varnish
covers 380 × 700 mm
Arctic Volume White 300 g/m²
printed CMYK + Pantone 10077
FM screen 20 μ
UV silkscreen varnish, 90 tpc mesh
pages 380 × 550 mm
Arctic Volume White 200 g/m²
printed CMYK + Pantone 10077
FM screen 20 μ
red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) on the pages of the LVM calendar 2021
elk (Alces alces), lynx (Lynx lynx) and wolf (Canis lupus Linnaeus) on the pages of the LVM calendar 2021
photo Andris Eglītis, 135 mm film
customer JSC "Latvijas valsts meži"