
mammadaba, LVM un "Silava" wall calendar 2022 on a concrete wall




photo selection

image processing

print management

printing of inner pages in expanded color gamut
optical density control for CMYK + PMS Orange sheets


offset printing

2 covers • 13  pages
spiral binding
close-up of the FM 20 μ screen
macro close-up fragment of UV varnish
covers 380 × 700 mm
Arctic Volume White 300 g/m²
printed CMYK; FM screen 20 μ
UV silkscreen varnish, 90 tpc mesh
pages 380 × 550 mm
Arctic Volume White 200 g/m²
printed CMYKOGV; FM screen 20 μ
Great web-spinning sawfly (Acantholyda posticalis) and a parasitoid wasp (Ichneumonidae) on the pages of the LVM • "Silava" calendar 2022
Mottled umber larvae (Erannis defoliaria) and pine looper larvae (Bupalus piniarius) on the pages of the LVM • "Silava" calendar 2022
photo Agnis Šmits
customer JSC "Latvijas valsts meži"